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51 968 Ft


Megaphone with MP3 function, 110 dB
51 968 Ft
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Attention guaranteed!

With our range of reliable megaphones, we provide the perfect solution for each application. A few basic selection criteria will help you to choose the right unit. The operating range surely is the most important one. Here, the following applies: with increasing sound pressure (in dB), the operating range of the megaphone increases, too. Furthermore, it is possible to choose between megaphones with integrated microphone, with hand-held microphone or units with an additional wireless microphone. Each megaphone from MONACOR is supplied with power by standard batteries. As an alternative, a few units also feature a 12 V connection. Size, weight and power supply are further selection criteria for choosing the right megaphone. With these comparison criteria, you will surely find the ideal megaphone meeting your individual requirements very quickly.


with MP3 playback function.

  • Hand-held microphone with helix cable
  • Lockable talk button, volume control and buttons for recording/playback at the microphone
  • Recording function via microphone (up to 20 seconds)
  • MP3 module with playback function from USB flash drive or from a micro SD card
  • Separate volume control for MP3 and microphone
  • Operating switch for siren
  • Jack for external 12 V battery operation
  • Connection cable for motor vehicles

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