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195 428 Ft


High-quality 2-way PA pendant speaker with perfect 360° sound radiation
195 428 Ft
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Markó Bt. a Magyar Cetelem Bank Zrt. hitelközvetítője, a Bank a hitelbírálathoz szükséges dokumentumok meghatározásának, valamint a hitelbírálat jogát fenntartja. A Bank a pénzügyi szervezetek Magatartási Kódexének alávetette magát.
With this 360° pendant speaker, it is possible to implement a relatively large-scale PA application. When installed at a mounting height of 4 m, you are able to provide a homogeneous sound radiation for approx. 200 m2. The speaker features an excellent sound quality due to the 2-way coaxial speaker system with a large housing.
High-quality 2-way PA pendant speaker,
with perfect 360° sound radiation and EN 54-24 certification.
  • 100 V line technique: 30/20/10 W
  • 2-way coaxial speaker (6.5")
  • Elaborate reflector design for a wide and homogeneous omnidirectional radiation
  • Excellent sound reproduction due to the attached housing, even down to the bass
  • Recommended intallation height: approx. 4 m (reflector)
  • White lacquered sheet steel housing
  • Suspension via steel safety ropes and snap hooks
  • Cable inlet via high-strength cable gland (PG11)
  • Ceramic terminal
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