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142 812 Ft


GSM dialling and control unit
142 812 Ft
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GSM dialling and control unit
The dialling unit features 4 alarm inputs for activating SMS messages and/or for calling up to 100 authorised telephone numbers. Additionally, 2 relay outputs can be controlled via SMS (additional costs may occur, depending on the contract or provider) or via free phone calls from up to 100 authorised telephone numbers. Thus, the GD-04K is ideally suited as an amok alarm at schools. The programming is made via SMS commands or free web portal. A SIM card with deactivated PIN code request is required for operation (not supplied).
  • Ideally suited as an amok alarm at schools
  • 4 alarm inputs
  • 2 relay outputs (˜ 230 V/2.5 A max.)
  • Power ( DC 10.5-15 V/200 mA max.) is provided via enclosed plug-in power supply
  • Programming with a PC/laptop via USB port (free GD-Link software available) or SMS commands
  • Smart Home Ready
  • Automatic credit check when using prepaid SIM cards
  • Admissible ambient temperature: -10 °C to +40 °C
  • Dimensions: 76 x 110 x 33 mm (w/o antenna)
  • Accessories are optionally available upon request:
  • GD-04A: Emergency power supply
  • AN-05: Rod antenna for extending the operating range
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