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79 312 Ft


High-end Air Motion Transformer tweeter, 20 W, 4 Ω
79 312 Ft
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Air Motion Transformers
are a special type of tweeter systems which have been developed by the German physicist Oskar Heil during his research on the characteristics of the human ear. The main feature is a film-covered cone with a special folding which vibrates like an accordion when an audio signal is applied. This folding allows to accommodate a large cone area at a minimum of space. The AMTs feature a dynamic sound, an excellent transient response, a high efficiency and a low harmonic distortion.
There are 2 STL files available for the AIRMT-130 for 3D printed waveguides.
High-end Air Motion Transformer tweeter, 20 W, 4 Ω
  • Tweeter based on the principle of Air Motion Transformer
  • High-performance neodymium magnet system
  • Fine, dynamic and brilliant reproduction of the high frequencies
  • Folded cone made of Kapton and aluminium
  • High efficiency
  • For use from 2,500 Hz on
  • Robust aluminium front panel
Klang+Ton 08,09/2016
“Compact AMT with quite a low crossover frequency possible for two-way speaker systems and multi-way speaker systems of highest quality.”
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